Trafocare 2024

In Association With

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Agenda on Board

  • Workshop on Transformers for Generator
  • Transformers, EHV Transformers, Distribution
    Transformers & Inverter Transformers (Renewables )
  • Operation & Maintenance
  • 10 O&M Mantras
  • Transformer Life Cycle Management
  • Transformers failures & analysis
  • Analysis of Bushing Failures
  • RIP / RIS Bushings
  • Role of RIP Bushings in Transformer Safety and Reliability
  • Retrofitting Success stories, storage & handling of RIP Bushings
  • Know your OLTC – Design, Principle &
  • Strategies Preventive maintenance
  • Partial Discharge Analysis
  • Dissolved Gas Analysis
  • Moisture in Transformers
  • Keep your transformers tight
  • 10 Stories of Oil Leak Repairs
  • Key Diagnostic
  • Tools to evaluate the condition of
  • Transformer & FEMA – Failure Mode Effect Analysis
  • Asset Management and Health Indexing of Transformers
  • Tactical and Strategic Risk Management
  • Transformers Fleet Management
  • Impact of Moisture and Temperature on Mineral & Ester Oil
  • Aging of Paper & Mitigation Techniques
  • Retrofilling of Transformers with Natural Esters
  • Dielectric Fluids – Mineral Oil & Esters
  • Onsite Transformer Repairs
  • Scrapping of Transformers, relevant Indian Standard
  • Role of Transformer in sustainable economy
  • Transformer Fire & Safety
  • Swachh Trafo Abhiyan
  • Residual Life Assessment
  • Residual Life Enhancement of Transformers
  • Installation, Testing & commissioning
  • Transportation – Safety precautions during transportation of transformer from factory to site
  • Best practices for handling ( Lifting/ shifting etc.) of transformer during installation
  • Storage of transformers
  • Storage/ preservations of transformers while not in use / not commissioned
  • Pre commissioning testing
  • Final commissioning
  • Routine Inspection of transformer & it’s spare parts
  • Case Studies
  • Route cause of failure of transformer accessories

Utility / Industry are requested to send transformer related issues to team trafocare; We will do our best to cover it in respective speakers’ topics. Also before and after the workshop, we will continue to work on the respective threads of issues.

Gyansabha is the best opportunity to discuss one problem from all angles of OEM, End user, Field expert, Lab Expert, Transformer component experts. Every problem may not have a quick solution that works for all. Some of the issues may need more involved work, field study n research, involvement of more parties which do not fit in regular course of business. Trafocare is committed to work in the direction of our mission for conservation of transformers, Swachh Trafo Abhiyan, Tx Fire & Safety and other issues highlighted by the utilities, industries and OEMs.

Mission For Conservation of Transformers

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Mentors & Speakers


Dr C S Narasimhan

Former R&D Head & Technical Consultant,
Savita Oil Technologies Ltd

Mr Pramod Rao

Sr. Technical Advisor
Yash High Voltage Ltd

Mr Charles Cole

Vice President-Global Division
Polywater USA

Mr. Simon Ryder

Transformer Consulting Engineer
Doble Engineering Company

Dr Aradhana Ray

Technical Director,
Laxmi Associates

Mr Shrikant Potnis

OLTC Expert,

Dr Rajaram Shinde

Director, Prayog Electricals / Datson Electronics & Vikarsh Nano Tech

Er. P. K. Pattanaik

Senior General Manager (Elect)
OPTCL, Odisha

Shri V.V.Pattanshetti

Former Additional Director & Group Head Dielectric Materials Division,
CPRI Bangalore


Mr S K Negi

President & CEO- SkipperSeil Ltd
Former Managing Director of GETCO

Dr K Rajamani

Mentor & Thought Leader

Er. Yogesh V Joshi

Utility Expert & Mentor,
Former Head of Engineering, GETCO.

Mr. Ajay Joshi

Mentor & Director
Knowledge Cluster

If you wish to speak / present your paper/case study at Trafocare please contact us. Presentations are invited for Transformer Population Management / Fleet Management from Utilities and Industries, Best Practices for Storage, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Transformers, Inverter Transformers (Renewables), any other topic that suits theme. Shortlisted presentations will be accommodated in Trafocare 2024 or future workshops.

Trafocare Initiatives



About Trafocare

TRAFOCARE is a mission for conservation of transformers. India has a huge fleet of Transformers worth billions of dollars. Maintaining outside warranty transformers, hundreds or thousands of them, is a task for every utility & Industry. TRAFOCARE is an opportunity to have discussions(Gyansabha) on related topics, case studies, creating awareness, experience sharing on real life transformer issues, clarify doubts and get exposed to knowledge outside the organization.

TrafoCare objective is that the known knowledge is discussed and that should help the end users

  • To maintain their outside warranty transformers well.
  • To maintain their new transformers well.
  • To decide on specs of buying new transformers

Venue for this general workshop moves within India from West, North, East and South locations for convenience of utilities and industries.

About Organizers

TRAFOCARE is organized by a cluster of individuals, associations, manufacturers, service providers and consultants.

The organizing team of 7th edition of Trafocare Mumbai is Knowledge Cluster, SPARK Group, SM Systems, Polywater USA, Doble India, Easun MR, LeakXpert, Laxmi Associates, Yash High Voltage, Savita Oil Technologies Ltd, LeakXpert team, Expert Engineers, Consultants etc.

We also invite expert speakers from the utilities and industries to share their expertise in line with the theme of TRAFOCARE.

1000+ engineers from Genco, Transco, Discoms, Renewables, OEMs, Consultants have participated in earlier workshops as delegates at Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad.

Idea is not to limit the workshop as an isolated event but to continue threads of trafocare mission from event to event. New thread we are starting in 7th edition of Trafocare is scrapping of transformers, role of transformers in sustainable economy, relevant Indian Standard. This should translate into the message “Repairing of transformers is better than scrapping of transformers” Lets see!

Why General Workshop?

At Trafocare delegates are in focus. Queries from delegates have more importance than completing the presentation. Presentations on various subjects are setting the context for discussions. At Trafocare we encourage scussions/interactions “Gyansabha”.

Group of expert faculty & delegates from different organizations (utilities, industries, consultants, OEMs, Service Providers, Mentors) under one roof creates a master mind that increases the level of collective intelligence on the subject. General workshops at common places give time saving, cost sharing & Knowledge sharing advantage from outside of the organization.

Queries can continue even after the workshop on a whatsapp group moderated by Spark Group.

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